A Trust and Identity Policy Toolkit for collaborative research environments

A Trust and Identity Policy Toolkit for collaborative research environments

Danny Kingsley2, Nick Rossow3, Kerry Mora1

1Australian Access Federation (AAF), Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
2Australian Access Federation (AAF), Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
3Australian Access Federation (AAF), Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


Modern research is multidisciplinary, requiring access to many infrastructures outside of a researcher’s home institution. In this complex environment, the question of trust (between users, resource providers, and infrastructures) is crucial.

The Australian Access Federation (AAF) is working with NCRIS facilities to develop a standard set of policies that can build and facilitate trust. These policies outline the operational measures undertaken to securely and effectively provide research infrastructure and services.

The Policy Toolkit includes policies that:
•define the roles and the responsibilities of all participants
•define expected behaviour of all the participants
•define the security response procedure and responsibilities of individuals during a cyber incident
•manage the risk of capturing, storing and using personal information about users and their data.

In this presentation, we will highlight the policies that make up the Toolkit and how important they are to enable research collaboration nationally and internationally. We will cover how it is being developed and how other research environments can adopt it with their existing policy structures.


Dr Danny Kingsley

I am an expert in developing strategy and policy in the higher education and research sector with extensive international experience, in Europe, Australia and the UK. I have a particular focus on Open Research. This work involves aspects of advocacy, professional development, research and communication through developing relationships with all levels of the scholarly communication landscape, from the individual researcher, to editors and publishers of journals and monographs, funding bodies, research institutions and government.
