AeRO national mentoring program

Dr Jenni Harrison1

1Australian eResearch Organisations, Australia


Australian eResearch Organisations (AeRO) aims to support eResearch practices, capabilities and standards in Australasia helping researchers and organisations alike.  Correspondingly, AeRO has identified a need for a national eResearch mentoring program.  Great mentors can positively influence a career trajectory, this is especially important for women.

What Is on offer?

During 2020/2010, AeRO will launch a national mentoring program, offering mentees an opportunity to develop their skills, and set and develop future goals with a guide (mentor).  The AeRO mentoring programs has been designed to develop individuals working in technology, building confidence to take the next steps in their careers.  The formal program will ensure advice and guidance is exchanged between senior leaders and individuals who aspire to be future leaders.

Who can participate?

The program is open to everyone and a set criterion for mentees and mentors is being developed ensuring the program is inclusive.

What’s the process?

The program will run every 6 months. Mentors and mentees will be asked to complete a pairing process.  Time and care will be taken to ensure pairing is as successful as possible.  If a pairing is not working, the process will recommence to form a new partnership.


Why should I get involved?

AeRO is seeing participation from members and non-members. Each of us has the potential to guide another individual.  Contributing as a mentor can provide personal benefits including:

  • Improving communication skills
  • Developing networks
  • Self-reflection


Jenni is a passionate leader in technology. A PhD-qualified medicinal chemist and MSc qualified in digital education, Jenni migrated from Scotland where she was delivering national multi-institution digital projects and initiatives advancing healthcare, to become Head of Data at the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre.  Jenni, now Director of Strategic Project and Engagement, has forged many effective research collaborations, has secured significant research funding and has developed strategic partnerships with many international organisations.  Jenni is an inclusive, strategic thinker who leads on STEM initiatives.  An AICD graduate, she uses her skills to increase diversity. Jenni is a lifelong learner and published author.
