Galaxy Australia’s role in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic

Mr Simon Gladman1, Dr Nicholas Rhodes2, Dr Gareth Price2, Professor Andrew Lonie3

1University of Melbourne, Carlton, Australia
2QCIF Facility for Advanced Bioinformatics, St Lucia, Australia
3Australian BioCommons, Carlton, Australia


The global Galaxy Project responded to the urgent need for insight into the SARS-COV-2 virus through its global partners to help build a truly global, democratised, reproducible and transparent multifaceted approach to systematic analyses of the virus. Galaxy Australia contributed to this effort through deployment of specific SARS-COV-2 analytical workflows at the Pawsey Supercomputing, for access to all Australian researchers.


Galaxy Australia in conjunction with the Pawsey Supercomputing centre were able to deploy a Galaxy Pulsar (Galaxy remote deployment) on the NIMBUS cloud, complete with tools and workflows for analysis of DNA sequencing data from SARS-COV-2 samples. Galaxy Australia was configured to prioritise user requests for tools associated with SARS-COV-2 workflows to be directed to Pawsey for rapid analysis turnaround.


This talk will describe the deployment at Pawsey, the linkages and complementary analysis established at Galaxy Australia, Galaxy Main (USA) and Galaxy Europe, highlighting Galaxy Australia’s role in enabling research into a global problem. Up to date details of the utilisation of the workflows will also be presented.


In response to a global need, Galaxy Australia and Pawsey Supercomputing centre were able to demonstrate agility and timeliness to the growing threat of SARS-COV-2. The workflows deployed on Galaxy Australia were complemented by additional workflows on the partner usegalaxy.* global platforms, demonstrating the power of open source democratised science.


Simon Gladman works at Melbourne Bioinformatics and is Chief Engineering of Galaxy Australia. Simon has contributed actively to the global Galaxy community for 10 years and helps shape the direction and support Australian researchers garner from their use of the national Galaxy Australia platform.
